Paint and Body Services


When it comes to painting a car, any automotive professional will tell you the same thing: it’s all in the prep work. Whether you’re repairing a chip or re-spraying the whole car, prepping the body before painting to ensure a solid, clean foundation, is just as important as when spraying the car.

Our paint mixing service offers 48,000 colors to paint match to, including colors for classic cars and motorbikes. We even match the orange-peel (clear coat/texture) of the OEM paintjob.

Whether it is for a small or large job we take great pride in our paintwork. If something doesn't look right, we start over and re spray to ensure a perfect job.

(Paint jobs are also subject to up to 5-year warranty upon approval)


Whether from a tree branch, hail, garage door, or from an automotive accident collision damage can be overwhelming.  No matter who is at fault though, we can help you. We accept (select) insurances, as well as out of pocket repairs.

We've had situations where customers don't think that certain amounts of body damage can be repaired. Sometimes seemingly small jobs turn into large  jobs. For example a corner impact on the front bumper might just seem like a simple bumper cover repair but may have caused diagonal damage to other parts of the body/frame under the bumpers. A huge part of our estimate process is making sure that the OEM body lines match and spaces are even. It's important to pay close attention to the under frame damage and to treat them accordingly, otherwise rust can accumulate and create more safety problems.

Rust repair is another major Body Service that we provide. Being in the Midwest many of our cars are prone to rust from various causes. Something like a rock chip can start under surface rust which can spread to other parts of the chassis.

With our certified body techs and frame machine we are able to fix anything from minor dents to major frame damage.


Best engineers certified for painting services


Competitive quality services provided by our engineers

Preventative maintenance is what keeps your car on the road. The more you follow the recommended services the longer your vehicle will last.
One of the most important things you can do to keep your car in the best condition possible is to change your motor oil and filter. Frequent oil and filter changes are essential for your car.